How Are You In Chinese

14 Ways to Ask "How Are You?" In Chinese Mandarin Blueprint. While there can be many ways to reply, here are some of the most versatile responses you can use in almost any situation. 1. 我还好 – Wǒ Hái hǎo. Wǒ Hái hǎo (我还好) is one of the most simple and most common ways to reply if someone asks you how you are. The meaning can be translated as “I’m still good” and can be used as in.

14 Ways to Ask
14 Ways to Ask "How Are You?" In Chinese Mandarin Blueprint from

If someone tells you that he or she is not feeling well you could say the following…. 保重!. Bǎozhòng!. Take care! If someone is feeling great you might want to say the following…. 太.
